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Forums > Back > Expectations from FF lenses when switching from APSc to FF sensors.
Quote:I know your done and dusted with Pentax JoJu, fair enough!

 But Pentax surely deserves some credit here?    I'm for the most part shooting Nikon now and probably selling my Pentax gear, because of  a question of space on my boat and running two systems,  but what Pentax have achieved and at the price they have achieved it, coupled with what DPreview have cited as a 2 stop advantage of DR is not a lot short of remarkable!


I reserve my right to give them credit for it!
Sure, also Pentax is sticking to DNG. (or WAS sticking?)


Which would make it far easier to get a proper RAW converter, although the camera is quite new. No other manufacturer was as early as Pentax to use DNG as RAW format, in theory this would increase the choice of RAW-converters and improve the long time ability to archive those files.


But Adobe is wellknown for changing to "better" business concepts. "Better" for them, that is. So I would not bet too much on that part.


If one repetively calls about "fake" or false" sharpness, one shoudl also be able to name "true" sharpness, And I stick to xcall both of these terms bullshit - no digital reproduction technique ever can record the analogue reality 1:1 - all of those need to fool the human eye/ear. But who would ever cover a high end microphone by a plastic bag to remove the "false" sharpness of the recorded sound against munching the noises together? To me it appears as a very cheap excuse not being able to nake the sensors work otherwise, without this tiny blur filter.  ^_^


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Expectations from FF lenses when switching from APSc to FF sensors. - by JJ_SO - 05-09-2016, 02:47 PM

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