Quote:Apple are rarely the first to do anything, if ever. ...
Excuse me?
First iMac? First Computer to take out of the box, plug and play? First mouse, long before (when they still were MacIntosh)? FireWire? SCSI? First color monitor? First support of more than 4GB RAM on home-computers? First Retina display? First personal organizer called Newton? After that first usable tablet without having a 2 kg brick + stylo in the hand? First ready-to-cluster MacPro? First LaserPrinter for mass market? First OS with 64-bit? First systemwide color management? First graphical OS? First onboard defragmentation as a simple task?
Sorry, this is a worn-out point, usually repeated by Windows-users who want to appear knowing and generously giving Apple a point or two. Apple were pretty often pretty innovative - do you recall any on screen keyboard before iPad / iPhone? As for the iPod: Which MP3 player comes in your mind with usable playlists, scrollable and on-the-go playlists? Who was first with the concepts of intelligent folders (saved searches, updating themselves, long before Adobe made a crude copy and Windows...? So far, no. Spotlight made it 5 or 6 years after Apple put it in Mac OS X in windows, just a little bit clumsier to use.
Ever cared to use Apple help? I don't mean support, I mean the database which explains a Mac. Who was the first to make computer chassis out of a block of Aluminium?
Apple were pretty often innovative. And that's the bloody point. They are no more.
First Mac is a bit odd to list
But yeah. 1st personal computer (Apple II) (lets not count the apple 1) as it was just a electronics board).
1st digital camera (really) you could buy.
1st computer with windows (Apple Lisa) (xerox star did not use windows) and many other graphics elements we now take for granted), it is a nonsense myth that aple just copied Xerox's stuff.
1st laser printer, 1st to use the new postscript language from Adobe.
1st handwriting recognition (Newton).
1st with video (quicktime).
1st with images you can look around in (quicktime VR).
1st with so many things, it is silly and way too much to list.
I wrote "first i
Mac" no "Mac" - meaning, screen and computer in one box.
Or this one
And who made the first macBook Air, the thin laptop you could accidentally forget in a pile of pages?
After this lengthy discussion do I expect from PZ community an iPhone for my birthday or not ?
Apple fan boys unite and rejoice. Yey!
I used to be pretty savvy tech-wise. Nowadays, not so. And that's why I've gone all Apple.
By and large things just work. The number one thing in most people's lives is communicating and sharing information with the family. This is where Apple is genius. Whether it's phone/video calls, messaging, music, data files, calendars, reminders, everything is connected and working seamlessly. This way of communicating may not be the first but it's the first and last for me.
OK, enough preaching for the day.
While you guys are discussing communication I am on vacation at byblos Phoenician seaport shootig sunrise on the ships and enjoying photography . Obviously my phone turned off. Just came back to the hotel for breakfast.
Quote:Excuse me?
Ok, to be fair I should have said the modern Apple, since they became something of significance. We're talking around iPod era and later Apple, as before that they were practically nobody outside niche uses. I have owned Apple products in the past, including an Intel era Mac Mini. While I may criticise Apple, it is not targeted or exclusive. I will also gladly criticise the many faults of MS too... if anything that's a much longer list!
Quote:First Retina display?
This is a good example of nothing special marketed well. High DPI display was already possible, but not well supported (and still isn't) by other OSes, except perhaps Android.
Quote:After that first usable tablet without having a 2 kg brick + stylo in the hand?
do you recall any on screen keyboard before iPad / iPhone?
At work we had a Toshiba "tablet" with OSK, well before iPad era. Basically a laptop with a flippable screen allowing you to uncomfortably hold and not use the stylus that someone else had already lost. It was rubbish, but it did have OSK.
Quote:As for the iPod: Which MP3 player comes in your mind with usable playlists, scrollable and on-the-go playlists?
I used to own an iPod during their heights. Can't remember the exact model but I think it was a 40GB mini. It was a great MP3 player for sure, but again it was far from the first mp3 player. All credit to Apple for making the first one to stick, through its interface, and integration with music store.
My first mp3 player was many years before that. It was 32MB dram based, and exactly as horrible as that sounds. Flash was too expensive, so they used cheaper dram. 32MB still wasn't a lot but you could get a lower bitrate album on it. Worst part was battery life. It took two AAs, and had 48h standby time since the dram took constant power even when not in use. Play time wasn't great either. However, it was the first "affordable" mp3 player I ever saw. I was far too ahead on the early adopter wave there...
Quote:Apple were pretty often innovative. And that's the bloody point. They are no more. 
The dual camera is still of some interest. Will they be the first to do that well and make it stick? If anyone can, I'd expect it to be Apple to do it.
<a class="bbc_url" href="http://snowporing.deviantart.com/">dA</a> Canon 7D2, 7D, 5D2, 600D, 450D, 300D IR modified, 1D, EF-S 10-18, 15-85, EF 35/2, 85/1.8, 135/2, 70-300L, 100-400L, MP-E65, Zeiss 2/50, Sigma 150 macro, 120-300/2.8, Samyang 8mm fisheye, Olympus E-P1, Panasonic 20/1.7, Sony HX9V, Fuji X100.
while you were discussing about apples and phones had a nice walk by the beach and took some pictures.
Quote:First Mac is a bit odd to list 
But yeah. 1st personal computer (Apple II) (lets not count the apple 1) as it was just a electronics board).
1st digital camera (really) you could buy.
1st computer with windows (Apple Lisa) (xerox star did not use windows) and many other graphics elements we now take for granted), it is a nonsense myth that aple just copied Xerox's stuff.
1st laser printer, 1st to use the new postscript language from Adobe.
1st handwriting recognition (Newton).
1st with video (quicktime).
1st with images you can look around in (quicktime VR).
1st with so many things, it is silly and way too much to list.
1st to offer a white half eaten apple tattoo in the store with purchase of selected devices.:-)
Before Apple would take the risk to put new products on the market. Now they have too much chips on the table to take risks, so they started to play the game of the giants: if it makes money iterate don't change. If the competition comes with something new try to make (or sell) it better.