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Forums > Back > Sample gallery Fujinon XF 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR
He gave it a "highly recommended" and 4 stars, yes.


Against which competition? For Fuji, you have to live with some of the lenses specialities - or stay away of long FL. Such there are, although only few:
  • Tripod socket is a bad joke, Tiny and no real help to carry it. (Okay, I admit, I'm spoilt by Sigma's TS-81 and Tamron's G2 version of  150-600 - but the price of the Fuji is higher, so my expectations follow the price  ^_^
  • There's a distance selector, yes. Saying "full" or "5m - âˆž" That is not customisable and I would higly appreciate a setting from 1.75 - 8 m. Usually it doesn't miss focus but if there are a lot of twigs, it can fail gloriously and manual focus IMO is a PITA with focus by wire and that lens, at least handheld.
  • A zoom ring brake like Tamron G2 and Sigma's 150-600 have one, would be helpful.

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