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Forums > Back > next PZ lens test report: Panasonix Lumix G X 12-35mm /2.8 ASPH OIS
Nice but not great:

[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1347398696' post='20044']

Nice but not great:



"loosing" should be "losing".

And wow, that indeed is some lousy correcting of the optics!
[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1347401676' post='20045']

"loosing" should be "losing".


I will never ever learn this one.[Image: unsure.gif]
Quite a mixed bag of results, especially for the price. Maybe when the GH3 comes out, there will be a kit with this lens at some cost savings.
Folks were reporting a steep drop in resolution at 25mm (high at 20 and 35); did you test it at 25 (informally) and if so did you notice such a drop ? Overall a bit of a disappointment esp at the price point; though I think there is still hope that the 75mm will be the real mccoy <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Also I think you were a bit generous with the rating when you consider the uncorrected (not presented) vignetting.
Thanks Klaus, very informative. A bit disappointing I agree.

The thing is that I'm not sure I'd feel much better if it was priced 600$. 35mm is just too short. OTOH, what it tells us is that it's perhaps vain to expect a 12-60 f/2.8-4 considering how big the FAST 12-35 & the SLOW 12-50 are.

Oh well.
[quote name='Sylvain' timestamp='1347453614' post='20063']what it tells us is that it's perhaps vain to expect a 12-60 f/2.8-4 considering how big the FAST 12-35 & the SLOW 12-50 are.[/quote]

I suppose the MFT world would be happy to welcome a few not so small and lightweight lenses as long as they perform well. The door is wide open for a 12-60 f/2.8-4 M.Zuiko, even more so after the relative failure of the Pana 12-35.
Outrageous price/performance score! This lens is $1300 USD! the Tamron 24-70 F/2.8 VC costs the same as this lens, and that's with a REAL 24-70mm.

I feel like Panasonic have been drinking their own magic focal length equivalence koolaid, they have convinced themselves that the equivalent focal length IS the focal length.

I understand you guys can't just trounce these lens, but come on. We are talking about a lens that gives you the same field of view/depth of field as a 35mm film kit lens.

I love the system because of the size, but these guys have no interest in selling to people with a second camera, these aren't even enthusiast prices, these are prices you expect on professional gear.
[quote name='da_bradler' timestamp='1347474665' post='20068']

Outrageous price/performance score! This lens is $1300 USD! the Tamron 24-70 F/2.8 VC costs the same as this lens, and that's with a REAL 24-70mm.

I feel like Panasonic have been drinking their own magic focal length equivalence koolaid, they have convinced themselves that the equivalent focal length IS the focal length.

I understand you guys can't just trounce these lens, but come on. We are talking about a lens that gives you the same field of view/depth of field as a 35mm film kit lens.

I love the system because of the size, but these guys have no interest in selling to people with a second camera, these aren't even enthusiast prices, these are prices you expect on professional gear.


The lens is unique in the MFT lineup.This uniqueness is taken into account here.
I also expected it to be better. Especially after reading [url="http://admiringlight.com/blog/panasonic-lumix-12-35mm-f2-8-x-review/2/"]this[/url]:

The 12-35mm f/2.8 is a very sharp lens. Starting right at f/2.8 and continuing throughout the aperture range (until f/11 or so where diffraction starts to lower image quality), the images the 12-35 produces are nice and crisp. This is true throughout the vast majority of the focus range, though there is very slight softening wide open right at minimum focus distance. Also notable is that when focused at infinity, edge performance suffers. This isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but it’s worth noting. This is true for both the wide and long ends of the lens. From close to about 50 feet or so, the corners at 12mm are very sharp, even at f/2.8. Focused at infinity, though, they get pretty soft. It’s a little odd to see such a dramatic falloff when focused at infinity, but it’s there. Luckily, at 12mm, focusing at 15-20 feet into an image is often ideal for landscapes, and will yield very sharp images from near to far when stopped down for increased depth of field. At any focus distance the center performance remains extremely high.

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