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Forums > Back > Are laptops suitable for post processing images
Hello All,

After a discussion about trying to find a camera which would reduce post processing, I thought I try a different angle. Due to a back problem I cannot sit(about 30 minutes) or stand very long periods of time. Hence it is difficult to procress all my images properly, because the limited amout of time I can sit. I don't want to bother you with my health problems, but I am looking for a solution for my problem.

I have to lie down several times a day to relieve my back. So, I thought maybe I can buy a laptop and try processing my images whilst lying down. But so far most laptops I have seen have a very small viewing angle, even the ones with a HD display like the Asus N56 series(they only have a larger horizontal viewing angle, not vertical). If you tilt the display a little for- or backwards the brightness changes quite rapidly.

Now my question is are there any good laptops for processing images? I have heart the ones with an IPS display have a much better viewing angle than the TN-displays. Hardly any stores have demo models nowadays, so I cannot check if is true. But maybe one of you know if it is true and know if these displays/laptops are good enough for processing images in PS or LR? I have a budget of 1000 euro(that was the money I saved for another camera).

Hope you can give me some advice.

Best wishes,

Yes, indeed IPS is vastly superior to TN.

Qualifying notebooks are e.g.

- the two retina MacBook Pros

- Asus Zenbook (various)

- Lenovo Thinkpad 230 (optional, configurable via Lenovo website)

- HP Elitebook 8770w

- HP Spectre XT 15

- Sony Vaio SVS-15xx

- Sony Vaio Duo 11

- Samsung Series 7 Chronos

- Samsung Series 9

I reckon the 'village of the monster' is in Germany so you can e.g. check out this site here:



They also show the viewing angles.

Also verify the contrast (should be > 1:500) and color space coverage.
Hi Klaus,

Thanks for your reply! I will look into the laptops you mentioned.

The village of Monster is in the Netherlands, just above the Hook of Holland and just below The Hague(Den Haag). My forbears are German though <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />. The Hague is fairly big in Dutch standards, but most shops there don't have demo models except some cheap consumer models which are not very well suited for image processing.

Best wishes,

Hi Reinier,

I too experience similar problems, even though at much smaller scale. And ... I developed a solution that enables to work with computer while lieing on your back. It involves a DIY arrangement with standard computer peripherals and a Silverlight application - requires Windows computer.

E.g. it's not enough to just take the computer with you into the bed. If you do so with just a standard laptop, it's even worse than sitting. If you insist on off-the-shelf solution, you may do away with a touch-screen tablet, but it's still restricted. If it's not tablet, you need to see your keyboard from time to time; imagine how you do it.

Two things I'd like to add:

(1) You'd better get a 20+ inch lightweight LED monitor and console holder than a laptop; you don't want laptop staying on your stomach for long time. Really large HDTV would be even better if you can adjust colors there.

(2) I'm looking for a good home for the project I mentioned above - I'm too busy at work and cannot continue with it. It already works, and a person with basic IT skills can make it function, but it's still far from production quality. If there's a computer programmer around wishing to take the challenge, I'm glad to provide the code and illustrations.

If anybody is interested, please contact me offline ([email protected]).

Reinier, if you have at least the IT skills I mention, and you are serious about having the arrangement work, you can try. Don't expect zero effort, but when it already works it helps a lot.


you can also have a look at anandtech reviews


they have reviews and comparisons on the panels, e.g.

for example macbook pro retina display


seems quite good even look at low angles.

[quote name='olegk' timestamp='1360761976' post='21922']

Hi Reinier,

I too experience similar problems, even though at much smaller scale. And ... I developed a solution that enables to work with computer while lieing on your back. It involves a DIY arrangement with standard computer peripherals and a Silverlight application - requires Windows computer.

E.g. it's not enough to just take the computer with you into the bed. If you do so with just a standard laptop, it's even worse than sitting. If you insist on off-the-shelf solution, you may do away with a touch-screen tablet, but it's still restricted. If it's not tablet, you need to see your keyboard from time to time; imagine how you do it.

Two things I'd like to add:

(1) You'd better get a 20+ inch lightweight LED monitor and console holder than a laptop; you don't want laptop staying on your stomach for long time. Really large HDTV would be even better if you can adjust colors there.

(2) I'm looking for a good home for the project I mentioned above - I'm too busy at work and cannot continue with it. It already works, and a person with basic IT skills can make it function, but it's still far from production quality. If there's a computer programmer around wishing to take the challenge, I'm glad to provide the code and illustrations.

If anybody is interested, please contact me offline ([email protected]).

Reinier, if you have at least the IT skills I mention, and you are serious about having the arrangement work, you can try. Don't expect zero effort, but when it already works it helps a lot.



[quote name='olegk' timestamp='1360761976' post='21922']

Hi Reinier,

I too experience similar problems, even though at much smaller scale. And ... I developed a solution that enables to work with computer while lieing on your back. It involves a DIY arrangement with standard computer peripherals and a Silverlight application - requires Windows computer.

E.g. it's not enough to just take the computer with you into the bed. If you do so with just a standard laptop, it's even worse than sitting. If you insist on off-the-shelf solution, you may do away with a touch-screen tablet, but it's still restricted. If it's not tablet, you need to see your keyboard from time to time; imagine how you do it.

Two things I'd like to add:

(1) You'd better get a 20+ inch lightweight LED monitor and console holder than a laptop; you don't want laptop staying on your stomach for long time. Really large HDTV would be even better if you can adjust colors there.

(2) I'm looking for a good home for the project I mentioned above - I'm too busy at work and cannot continue with it. It already works, and a person with basic IT skills can make it function, but it's still far from production quality. If there's a computer programmer around wishing to take the challenge, I'm glad to provide the code and illustrations.

If anybody is interested, please contact me offline ([email protected]).

Reinier, if you have at least the IT skills I mention, and you are serious about having the arrangement work, you can try. Don't expect zero effort, but when it already works it helps a lot.



Hi Oleg,

First of all sorry, something went wrong and hence my unfinished post has been placed twice.

Thanks for your advice. I am not sure what to do yet, but could you tell me what Silverlight is?

Best wishes,

[quote name='Reinier' timestamp='1360962294' post='21943']

but could you tell me what Silverlight is?


Hi Reinier,

(just jumping in for oleg) ... Silverlight is a piece of SW that you can download for free

from Microsoft (hence the remark, that it requires a Windows plattform to run).


It is to an extend quite comparable to Adobes "flash"/"flashplayer"/"flash-plugin".

A program that is written to use the functionality of such a plugin will not run without

this plugin being installed on the computer you want to use it.

One thing you need to consider; if you are going to use a laptop is I/O speed. I realize that focus of this thread has mostly talked about screen quality (which is very important for photo editing) but if you end up with a unit with slow disks it will not be a pleasure to use. I'm not sure if the Mac Pro has good disk i/o (I know the mac airbook ssd tested out very fast compared with (for example) the asus zen book; but if the pro perform in the same vein as the airbook then that would be the unit I would recommend. While I am personally am very anti-apple (and apple software) I will admit they make solid hardware and have exceptional support (for example the zen book which has exceptional display - I would be a bit leary given some of the reviews with regards to fragility and while Asus is not a bad company for support it simply is not in the same league as apple).

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