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Forums > Back > next PZ lens test report: Pentax D-FA 50mm f/2.8 macro
Well, you can't blame the Sony lenses as well for the strange way Sony compresses RAW. But those (Pentax and Sony, that is) lenses can be used on their cameras. Primarily. And if the bodies don't bring the lens' quality into the pictures, what else should do?

Did you by now check out the images in the link I gave you? They show that this particular lens is a little gem.

Quote:Interesting site - didn't know this one.
I remember browsing that site years ago for some samples from another of my "objects of desire" at the time, but I ran into a problem - that they seemingly haven't fixed - of all lenses that share the manufacturer, the focal length and aperture being collated into a single category. Hence I can't know, for instance, which of the countless versions of the "Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8" lens made that particular image.

So use it with care.

Quote:Well, you can't blame the Sony lenses as well for the strange way Sony compresses RAW. But those (Pentax and Sony, that is) lenses can be used on their cameras. Primarily. And if the bodies don't bring the lens' quality into the pictures, what else should do?

Well, as mentioned there are at least 5 Pentax cameras that can show the full potential (I forgot the K-S1/S20).

Thus there is no problem.


Sony has a bigger problem if you look at it from this perspective - all their APS-C cameras have an AA filter ...
I count 4 cameras you listed: K-S1, K-S20 (didn't find that on Ricoh's product portfolio, there's a K-20D or a K-S2), K-3 II K-5 II. So 4 out of 10 will show the full potential? That's not bad. Hope it's buyers know which camera they should choose. At least, it's the best for all bodies just not all bodies will show it.

The K-3, K-3 II, K-5 IIs, K-S1 and K-S2 have no AA filter AFAIK.


One of the issues of these lenses is build quality. But it is not only Pentax´s or Ricoh´s problem. Unless going for Sanyang [murdering the spelling, I know], most AF lenses have increased their price heavily.

For that, you need to go for the older FA lenses, if you can find them.

Not that easy to come by.


And the AA filter... it is true. That is the reason, usually, that the Canon-Nikon photos appear to be more liquid, more detailed.

Pity that Cosina is no longer having the "opportunity Voightlanders", those old fashioned marvels.

And Pity 80´s are no longer coming back. I did really liked the Pentax old 80´s desing approach to lenses, from those metal tanks of macro to the petite 50 1.4


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