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Forums > Back > old lens reviews?
I guess with the server migration, old lens reviews have disappeared. Will they come back? Not all lenses were tested on the higher MP sensors, and sometimes one wants to look at older lenses.

I haven't deleted any reviews.


There are less on the overview page than in the individual sections if you mean that.

That's merely a matter of page size though.
Quote:I haven't deleted any reviews.


There are less on the overview page than in the individual sections if you mean that.

That's merely a matter of page size though.
ah, ok, thanks.  since everything used to be on the overview, it never thought to look in specific sections.

Perhaps even for newcomers, since the overview section looks so "complete", they may never look deeper down.


Perhaps some kind of pointer would be useful, i.e. "for complete list of lenses in aps-c click here".


or "Canon APS-C:  20mp, 15mp, 8mp tests".



Another thought: hierarchical menus with triangles to open or close a branch, i.e. one could open only the canon branch, and see all listed.  But I suspect not trivial to implement, and may make the site slower.

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