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Forums > Back > Using 8mm fisheye on full frame
I read everywhere that 8mm fisheye is APS-c only however I gave it a try on full frame, yes I have  severe  border vignetting, however once cropped I have a much larger fileld of view with full frame, so instead of 1.6 crop I maybe have a 1.3 crop or something like that which is not bad at all 


8mm fisheye on 30D


[Image: gallery_5426_135_421152.jpg]


8mm fisheye on 5D plus crop


[Image: gallery_5426_135_14423.jpg]

Taken  from the same place as you can see the angle of view is much larger, I need to work a little the colors here 

Is that a 8mm circular fisheye for full frame or a 8mm diagonal fisheye for APS-C?

It's Rokinon 8mm diagonal fisheye for APS-C

as you can see there's slight vignetting on both lower corners on the full frame version, the crop is taking the only the lower  2 thirds of the frame .

I can post the full image if you want

 It's a great bargain lens, same as the Samyang which I have in the Pentax mount......... need stopping down to be sharp at the edges....great colours............it's real trump card is it's resistance to flare, straight into the sun and all you get is a couple of small flare pips...


  It's also a stereographic projection lens.

Ah. I remember trying it on my 1D Mark II N way back then, but there was an ugly black frame (shaped just like the hood, of course). Maybe a lens with the hood sawed off would've worked better.

Quote:Ah. I remember trying it on my 1D Mark II N way back then, but there was an ugly black frame (shaped just like the hood, of course). Maybe a lens with the hood sawed off would've worked better.
The 2nd version of that lens comes with detachable hood, as Samyang realized people liked to use it is circular fish eye on FF.

Well mine has a detachable hood, and yes I remove it when using full frame since I can actually see the hood.

One of the best bargains for the price was this lens.

Bought it with the intention of offering it to a friend who likes photography for his birthday, however after trying it, I preferred keeping it, he got a nice T shirt instead Wink

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