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Forums > Back > In the meanwhile ...
Wonder how it compares to the current generation Sigma?


P. S. I think I may update my Sigma 14mm sometime... the 8-16 looks like a decent lens and very serviceable on the 1D at 11mm (more so than the 10-20).

But Sigma has in the current generation no shorter FF lens than 20 mm...?

I have heard or even myself have used “All the meanwhile”.




Since some here are itching for a fight, how about this?


The reviewer says that @12mm you could just turn the focus to infinity and shoot at f8 and everything will be sharp enough.


I mentioned a while back that focused at infinity, even with a 35mm lens, at f11 everything from infinity down to 1m is well and truly sharp enough. Not only that it beats every other focusing method such as hyper focal.


I'm ready!
Even with a 35mm lens at f5.6, pretty much everything will look sharp unless you take a very low viewpoint, yeah I agree with you.


And it really is "in the meantime" or just "meanwhile". Sayings and phrases are one of the hardest things to get a feel for in strange languages. It is easier for me as a dutchman because we get exposed to english much more than for instance germans (the movies and series on tv get subtitles, in germany they get german synced audio, we also can buy english (and german) magazines, and so on, and we get many english language channels on TV too).


Not to suggest that I don't make my fair share of grammatical or structure errors though  :ph34r:


One phrase error that has stuck with me from a PZ review (years ago): "a lot of bangs for your bucks". It is "a lot of bang for your buck(s)".
In Australia using “bang” in public is something you need to be careful with.


Ask Klaus what does “She bangs like a dunny door” mean?


So, “getting a lot of bangs” is only something you want to brag to your male friends about.


BTW, Keith did a very good job in the review. I think he is a pretty decent guy. He wrote something quite good on the Epson 3880 that I ended up buying.

or you could say stop banging on about it...


Quote:Even with a 35mm lens at f5.6, pretty much everything will look sharp unless you take a very low viewpoint, yeah I agree with you.


And it really is "in the meantime" or just "meanwhile". Sayings and phrases are one of the hardest things to get a feel for in strange languages. It is easier for me as a dutchman because we get exposed to english much more than for instance germans (the movies and series on tv get subtitles, in germany they get german synced audio, we also can buy english (and german) magazines, and so on, and we get many english language channels on TV too).


Not to suggest that I don't make my fair share of grammatical or structure errors though  :ph34r:


One phrase error that has stuck with me from a PZ review (years ago): "a lot of bangs for your bucks". It is "a lot of bang for your buck(s)".
Well your English is so good BC I was convinced that you were an Englishman living in Holland.


  I haven't noticed your errors!


  The "bang ......bucks" is a variable one depending on what country, it used to be "you get a lot of bang for your buck" recently I've noticed it's become "bang for the buck".... Who knows what it will be next year? 
"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."

 Aisle drnik  to taht!   eaxtly waht i thunked!


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