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Forums > Back > Canon has end of service period for all their products !!!
Products Subject to the Repair Period|Canon

(page in Japanese)

Thry absolutely want you to dump your current gear and upgrade, for them it makes sense, but it's customers should feel gutted when reading such a page....
Well, no, not all of them are declared EOL; dates are "pending" for many, and out of those that got definite dates some had already been discontinued so the writing was there on the wall for them anyway.
For me, the main thing is that the 16-35/4L is not yet condemned. Smile (my other Canon zooms are way past EOL anyway, it's too late to cry for them; the 24/1.4 II is slated to be declared EOL in 2029, plenty of time for me)
Buyers may be upset but the manufacturer is just trying to push the product to the market.
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