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Forums > Back > teasing time ...
I realize the test itself is done via manual focus (or at least I think it is from what I remember) but did you have the same auto-focus issues that soLong had at the wide end ?

Quote:I realize the test itself is done via manual focus (or at least I think it is from what I remember) but did you have the same auto-focus issues that soLong had at the wide end ?

It is not an auto-focus issue. In my case it was fine at f/4 ... not at other apertures though ...
Quote:I realize the test itself is done via manual focus (or at least I think it is from what I remember) but did you have the same auto-focus issues that soLong had at the wide end ?
... i was just trying to see if the problem could be compensated for by using micro-focus via auto-focus as a mr/mrs fix-it - well maybe, i have 3 quick settings at one knob twist that will do it, just have to see in practice how well it works - time will tell 

Quote:It is not an auto-focus issue. In my case it was fine at f/4 ... not at other apertures though ...

I think I understand - focus shift ? If so shoudln't the camera/lens have information for compensation ?
Quote:I think I understand - focus shift ? If so shoudln't the camera/lens have information for compensation ?
... so i'm very slowly gathering the necessary info by old fashioned methods - just needing a programming expert to write the compensation info into the tiny little computer inside my 7D or the chip inside the lens  - is there anybody out there who could do it for the love of it? - or better still (and more honourablly on their part) hello Canon are you there??  - ta very much


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