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Forums > Back > canon 70-200 (non-IS) is no IS a big problem?
I am deliberating between this and the tamron 70-300 vc. I do not have the money for the IS version <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />. I will use the lens mainly for action shots of my three year old, my husband playing football, wildlife and portraits/candies. Will I struggle hand held at longer focal lengths. I have a speedlite which should help in lower light.

How do they compare in iq, AF speed and accuracy, bokeh?
Just general comments:

Which Canon 70-200 L ? The f2.8 or the f4.0. Since you mentioned action shooting, I was thinking perhaps you meant the f2.8, but then this is quite expensive too, so probably you mean the f4.0? For action shooting with random movement (rather than panning), you need fast shutter speeds, so IS might not help that much, while for portraits, candids, or even wild-life (for some wild life, 200mm may not be nearly enough reach ) it can be very helpful (sort of instead of a tripod). IS in the lens is nice because it also stabilizes the image in the viewfinder.

If you shoot with a speedlight in conditions where ambient light is much darker than the flash, you don't need to worry much, the flash will freeze all motion, since it's so short.
Sorry yes I meant the f4, no f2.8 unless I win the lotto. I am very torn as to whether I will struggle without IS, or if the tamron will suit my needs.
That's the problem trying to write a reply using my phone!
[quote name='vickylou' timestamp='1341765130' post='19364']

I am deliberating between this and the tamron 70-300 vc. I do not have the money for the IS version <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />. I will use the lens mainly for action shots of my three year old, my husband playing football, wildlife and portraits/candies. Will I struggle hand held at longer focal lengths. I have a speedlite which should help in lower light.

How do they compare in iq, AF speed and accuracy, bokeh?


Tamron 70-300mm USD VC

- AF tracking speed: ok-ish, not overly fast

- AF accuracy: Should be good

- IQ is ok, quite good.

- Bokeh: not the most smooth but quite agreeable.

- Blur: its an f5-5.6 lens at the long end, so don't expect miracles.

Canon EF 70-200mm f4 L USM

- AF tracking speed: very good.

- AF accuracy: Should be good.

- IQ is very nice.

- Bokeh: one of the most smooth bokeh-ing zoom lenses.

- blur: its an f4 lens at 200mm, Quite good but do not expect miracles (depending on subject distance).

- You can add a Kenko 1.4x TC to it, which brings it to a 280mm f5.6.

The Canon seems a bit better suited for moving subjects. The Tamron with its bigger reach better suited for wildlife (of course, the Canon makes up for than with Kenko 1.4x TC which is quite affordable).

Now for an outsider:

Canon EF 200mm f2.8 L USM II

- AF tracking speed: very good.

- AF accurancy: very good.

- IQ is great.

- Bokeh: quite agreeable and smooth character.

- Blur: a lot of it in comparison, because it is f2.8 wide open.

- You can add a Kenko 1.4x TC to it, which brings it to 280mm f4.

The Canon 200mm f2.8 is well suited for moving subjects, like the sports you mentioned. With Kenko TC it will have the reach the Tamron. Its great for portraits (provided you have the distance to the subject).

All in all, I can not make the choice for you, nor make it much easier. The 200mm f2.8 has the advantage of f2.8 and fast AF. The Tamron gives zoom flexibility and VC (low light portraits and other non-moving subjects). And reach, for the lowest price. The 70-200mm f4 sits in between. Tough choice.
Thank you for your advice I really appreciate it. It's a tough decision but I think 200mm might be too long for a prime for me, I am more likely to be at home/park so want reach but also flexibility. If money was no object I have a long list <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

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