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Forums > Back > next PZ lens test report: Sony E 50mm f/1.8 OSS
Nice bokeh:

Very very good!
Disappointing performance for a prime IMHO, as with the 30/3.5. I hope the 24/1.8 will fare better.
Usable I would think.
[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1331497984' post='16572']

Nice bokeh:



Thanks for the review. This is the 1st decent lens in the NEX lineup (to my eyes).

Maybe the flange distance is too short for good corners with wide angles. I remember a paper from Zeiss saying that Leica got around this problem by removing the AA filter (and the glass associated to it).
Klaus, I think you were a bit hard on the 50/1.8 in rating. Was it the viginetting? The Sony 50/1.4 A-mount gets more stars despite being IMHO an inferior lens.
[quote name='Sam' timestamp='[url="tel:1331525230"]1331525230[/url]' post='16585']

Klaus, I think you were a bit hard on the 50/1.8 in rating. Was it the viginetting? The Sony 50/1.4 A-mount gets more stars despite being IMHO an inferior lens.


The 50/1.4 (in the A700 test) touches the LW/PH maximum, the OSS does just make it across the excellent barrier.The f/1.4 has also better corners at f/2 and f/2.8. Plus less vignetting.

So where is it an inferior lens ?Remember that you can't just compare the numbers. It is viable to take the graphs (ignoring the scale) for comparison.

It is a bit of a theoretical discussion anyway. The A700 sensor and register distance is simply much easier to handle from a lens perspective.I reckon hat the OSS would be a 3.5 pts lens on the NEX 5n.
If there is a problem (and neither DPR, nor IR noted it), it still might have nothing to do with the sensor. Maybe it's the AA filter. Unless you do side by side tests with A77/A65, you can't blame it on sensor.

Isn't there anyone in Germany that can lend you A77 or A65?
[quote name='Sathe Wild' timestamp='1331532602' post='16588']

If there is a problem (and neither DPR, nor IR noted it), it still might have nothing to do with the sensor. Maybe it's the AA filter. Unless you do side by side tests with A77/A65, you can't blame it on sensor.

Isn't there anyone in Germany that can lend you A77 or A65?


Neither DPR nor IR did any lens testing on the NEX 7. For their camera resolution analysis they used stopped down lenses in the center portion, certainly not the corners at large apertures. You can easily conclude that the corner smearing is just a side effect of the much higher pixel density and not a design flaw unless you look deeper into this.

One reason why we abandoned the camera testing again was the fact that camera tests must be hastily created in order to be ahead of or at least on par with the competition.However, to do it right you simply need time with a camera - not days but weeks - and neither of the popular test magazines can afford this or is willing to do so. This is also understandable because the product cycles are measured in months rather than years at the moment.

The corner smearing is not a local invention as already mentioned:


Stopped down the situation is Ok - I reckon this will be good enough for most users anyway. The camera can deliver sharp corners as we can see in the 50 OSS test.

Assuming that Sony will eventually release a 7n I would be willing to restart the tests once again. However, the rumor mill is silent in this respect.

I would be willing to do a reference test with the A77/A65 but this will not help the NEX 7 anyway - the NEX 7 does also suffer from the short register distance. That's a lesser issue with the A77/A65. The measured corner performance of the CZ 85 wasn't as good as on the A700 but worse than expected.

Klaus<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">
[quote name='Sathe Wild' timestamp='1331532602' post='16588']

If there is a problem (and neither DPR, nor IR noted it), it still might have nothing to do with the sensor. Maybe it's the AA filter. Unless you do side by side tests with A77/A65, you can't blame it on sensor.

Isn't there anyone in Germany that can lend you A77 or A65?


Wow, you are persistent and repetitive.

1. Can you point us to exactly where dpreview did MTF50 tests of a lens on the NEX-7, which did not show weak border and corner performance?

2. Can you point us to exactly where imaging resource did MTF50 tests of a lens on NEX-7, which did not show weak border and corner performance?

3. Can you explain to me how an AA-filter can cause very high MTF50 results in the center of a sensor, yet quite poor results on the edge of the sensor?

If you can not produce point 1 and point 2, why are you posting this over and over? All I can find on dpreview in the test of the NEX-7 is the mention of visibly soft corners and edges with the 18-55 they used at almost all settings. Nothing at all for the rest concerning any testing of corner resolution with the NEX with either wide lenses or wide open lenses, nothing at all.

Which of course is probably because dpreview actually never tests that, with camera reviews.

As for your selective reading:

Corner performance of NEX 5N vs NEX 7:


Wide open performance is crazy bad on the NEX7, and it is not the lens as on the NEX 5-N is looks great.

Totally backs up what Klaus have come across with two separate NEX-7 cameras.

And here we see crazy bad border results for two top class lenses (one Zeiss 24mm, one Leica 24mm) from wide open to about f4, also on a NEX-7.


Again, totally consistent of what Klaus is finding. I guess according to you it will be the Leica and Zeiss lens that are at fault there? That they just have weak corner/edge performance standard, and that they will not do better on for instance a NEX-5N?

And they are full frame lenses for that matter....

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