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Forums > Back > Ultrawide double punch from Sony: 16-35 and 12-24
No rest for the wicked, eh?





That ticks quite a few boxes there. Even though personally, I would've still chosen the 16-35/4 ZA, just like I did in the Canon land, the 12-24 looks pretty enticing (the 16-35/2.8, not so much, but YMMV).





My boxes were ticked, after I tried very hard to get some flares out of the Sigma 12-24/4.


Could get a little bit, but not as strong as the Sony shows:


[Image: _DSC4758-XL.jpg]


[Image: _DSC4749-X2.jpg]


Okay, the Nikkor 14-24 still IS the master of flare.

I think I'm getting the 12-24. It's almost my wet dream come true.

Sony are quite committed to the FF cameras, it seems.

The prices as expected very high.

Well, the price for the 12-24mm f/4 is quite good (1700US$) when compared to the Canon 11-24mm f/4 (2700US$). Even the Sigma 12-24mm f/4 is just marginally cheaper (1600US$).


The 16-35mm GM is just marginally more expensive then than Canon 16-35L III


But yes, the cheap times are over.

FWIW, the MTFs for the 12-24mm look a bit meh - especially at 24mm.

I'm a bit circling around in thoughts: Which FL I used most with the 14-24? Just checked quickly, but then I noticed the summary doesn't fit. Some of the pictures - majority - didn' show their actual FL, although it was the same camera  :blink:


Okay, without evidence: I think most pictures I did were not at 24 mm but in the range of 14-18mm. So, before I replace the 14-24, I want to wait for and test/tryout Sigma's 14/1.8 No easy call: a fast UWA coming with lots of focus problems - I saw them happening with 20/1.4 Art. Or a much less fast, but wider zoom. also AF problems. I don't know and I'm happy not to have to make the decision now. The AF problems are only concerning normal PD-AF.

Just to add that with hype around mirror-less and the lack of it in DSLR part of town, it feels like a whole era it's about to end.
Quote:Just to add that with hype around mirror-less and the lack of it in DSLR part of town, it feels like a whole era it's about to end.

Similar to the end of the film era almost 2 decades ago.

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Quote:Just to add that with hype around mirror-less and the lack of it in DSLR part of town, it feels like a whole era it's about to end.
Although Sony's release frenzy is completely insane. I thought Fuji was fast but Sony is beating that pace.

What I'm wondering about ... how many can possibly afford gear at this price level? The GM stuff is clearly in professional or snob territory.
frenzy = frequency?


With our western world view we tend to ignore 1 billion people in China with big gaps between very rich and insanely poor. And I think, nearly everybody in China knows Sony. Less so, Canon and Nikon. I'm wondering how Chinese people buy their gear. We just don't know much about that.


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