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Forums > Back > Nikon Z launched
On Nikon.ch the tech specs say 14 bit RAW at max. 8fps. The limit of 9 fps - I think to remember - is no exposure measurement in this kind of burst . Yes, not professional, but again, Nikon doesn't use the term "professsional camera body". In fact, they don't use the term "professional", not even once, in the description of the camera.

Sorry, dave, maybe you check first how Nikon is advertising this new stuff. The description 500/5.6 PF E mentions "proefessional" exactly one time.

That was also the rant of Matt Granger who was upset by the many idiots pretending to know what professionals need and mentioned the Leica SL and the Phase One IQ3 backs whic also come with only one card slot - most, if not all Leicas do so. And price is for sure no issue in their regions...
Let us see what the outcome of the two cameras will be.............and if you are happy with how they perform buy "one" by all means JoJu........or both!

I wonder how the design of the processor in the Z8 is coming along?
The rep said, the RAWs are as good or even better than D850's Big Grin

I don't want to convince you or anybody of Nikon mirrorless, before I used it a couple of times and find my own verdict for my usage. At the "hands on"-event they felt very good, light and very snappy AF - but more than that I can't tell. Oh, and I forgot another massive improvement: Charging the battery in camera. It's a Nikon first, I think, and I will not buy anymore battery grips or compartments without that feature. Here Fuji did an amazing job.
Good luck to you JoJu.......I'll be more than happy to hear your findings!

BTW. The new Nikon 500mm F5.6 fresnel looks fantastically compact........I wish I had the dosh to buy one!
(09-04-2018, 10:36 AM)davidmanze Wrote: Good luck to you JoJu.......I'll be more than happy to hear your findings!

BTW. The new Nikon 500mm F5.6 fresnel looks fantastically compact........I wish I had the dosh to buy one!
Me too, I admit to be rather tempted.

But then... it's not that much faster or lighter as our Tamron G2s, or?

Often, when I think a long lens is needed, I take either the 300 PF E or the 100-400 Tamron. Both have good stabilizers and a "bagable" size. The 150-600 remains at home.
The Z series is: smaller, mirrorless. So, a LOT less battery time. Processing power takes battery power. I never understood why ppl find it normal that Nikon throttles FPS and 14bit-ness when not using a battery pack, anyway.
Time to talk about the weather this year.........3 months where the temperatures reached up to 39-40°C.........with only a couple of days under 30°........

Difficult to go out... let alone get a sharp image!........I was at Rocamadour last week........Rocher des Aigles........the worst of the heat wave was over........but not a sharp shot above 300mm with the Tammy G2, even at the golden hour!...........
.....and where have the birds disappeared to this year? ..STRANGE!

I'm so limited by the heat here I can't think it warrants an expensive FF 500mm as in the end the optical performance is so limited by troubled air!


Sorry, but in D850 nothing is "throttled" in terms of fps. On Z, the throttle is 8 instead 9 fps - so far I get 6 or 7 in D850 and I don't see any real use of higher fps, but for sure it's not to fabricate 9 pieces of sophisticated art per second...

And on Fuji, I need to go to "boost" mode to max out fps to 11 (mech. shutter) or 14 (ele.shutter).
The new X-T3 will come with 30 fps - at 1.25× crop (that's 1.875× in total). And I think it's quite a smart move as they want to offer something like "sportmode EVF". A frame within the picture to see what's coming into framing before it's happening.

there are some MTF diagrams of the new (3) lenses. my guess is Canon will be at least as good, but comparing them to the best lenses currently available for DSLR, these manufacturers (as Zeiss and Sigma, as well as genuine ones) fall rather short wide open. Maybe I have to get a 35 mm prime... to rent first, JJ, this time be smarter...
(09-04-2018, 11:44 AM)JJ_SO Wrote: Sorry, but in D850 nothing is "throttled" in terms of fps. On Z, the throttle is 8 instead 9 fps - so far I get 6 or 7 in D850 and I don't see any real use of higher fps, but for sure it's not to fabricate 9 pieces of sophisticated art per second...

According to Nikon, there certainly is something "throttled" (first seen on the D300, if I remember correctly). 7 fps without battery pack, 9 fps with battery pack.

There is no need to do that (I remember that the D300 could be tricked to perform as if it had the battery pack installed).
That once was maybe throttled, and I also remember the D700 went faster (as the D850 also does with the the 10.5 V battery of a D5, but NOT with the standard EN-EL 15a in the grip) with addiitonal battery pack, but a couple of contemporary Nikon DSLRs don't make a diff if a grip is attached or not. and even if? So what? A high MP camera is no machine gun, at least for me...

I really hope, Canon gets up to pace and introduces their R officially so the discussion walks over to the super best mirrorless there is Big Grin

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