(09-28-2022, 04:51 PM)davethebirder Wrote: Many utubers are now showing their distaste with Canon's announcement that they will take action against third party lens manufacturers if they don't stop producing lenses for the R mount .... this is not going down well with the likes of ........ Tony Northrup ...... the mild mannered and likable Christopher Frost, and a "whole slew" of other previously smitten Canon advocates ....
Many are annoyed enough to reconsider their brand intentions ......
How ironic it would be if it cost Canon a significant percentage of their market share ?? .....
There I go getting all morally political again ........ 
Canon are known for studying the market well and taking adequate decisions when it comes to marketing.
Sadly their ultimate aim is to make profit, if we check around us in the world after the pandemic, we can easily see that RAW material and parts became scarce, shipping is more and more expensive, while demand for new cameras itself is dropping down.
Large volume sales is too risky and non profitable anymore.
Obviously this is not good news for everybody, Canon has no problem selling less gaining more...
Till things change globally this will be the trend, since you have few RAW material and shipping is expensive why waste precious resources on cheap low profit products.
You might argue they are losing their large fan base and on the long term it's a dangerous strategy, probably they have already discussed this issue and are fine with it.
I expect more expensive high end gear coming