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Forums > Back > New Zeiss Milvus 18mm f2.8 (and repackaged Milvus 15mm f2.8 and 135mm f2)
New Zeiss Milvus 18mm f2.8:



New Zeiss Milvus 15mm f2.8 (I suspect that it is the current "classic" ZE/ZF lens in Milvus body):



New Zeiss Milvus 135mm f2 (the current lens' optics in Milvus clothes):


Judging by the results shown by the 135 in Lenstip tests, they could've just as well called it an Otus and nobody would have any reason to question this.


The 18/2.8 surely looks brand new (and no, I won't imply that it's the same lens as the Batis with the same parameters, and wouldn't advise anyone to imply this either).

Well in Canon land this lens has a very serious and ferocious competition from Canon 135mm f2.0L, I can hardly imagine how someone could prefer this MF  lens over the already excellent Canon lens 

The Zeiss does some things better than the Canon. Luckily the Canon renders pretty nicely, most of the time.

Well, for one thing the 135L doesn't seem to be weather-sealed... or is it? So there is some space for improvement here.


Oh, and the CA look pretty strong in the PZ test report. So here's another area where other lenses may have an edge. Sometime Canon may choose to roll out a second version of the 135 - probably with the same BR sauce that the 35L II got - to combat this aberration - that'd certainly sound like a good idea to me, since the 135L predates the 35L in the lineup but the latter has been already replaced while the former has not.

Maybe the BR sauce is especially suited for wider angles?


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