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Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ?
Quote:Might be too late to join the discussion already, but I guess I can share my story. As for portrait lenses, I'm really a fan of the fast glass even if I don't use it at f1.2 or 1.4 all that often. I tried different lenses starting from the "reasonable" 1.8 primes,  then eventually going for the pro f2.8 zooms, some macro 100mm in between, then  migrating finally to fast primes ...and selling the other lenses to finance it Smile  A rather expensive way to find out what I really like, granted, but it's just that with the fast lenses, usually at the top of the ladder, I found better drawing, colour, contrast. The wider aperture, wide-open bokeh and limited DOF was a bonus.


However, that is a subjective choice and yours might be different. It's not always a rule that a (new ) fast  lens has to be better than the old - it all depends on your needs.  For me the Canon 85L 1.2  is so much better then either the f1.8  or the macro 100L (slow AF), that I had to take the plunge Smile  


Back in my Nikon days I enjoyed a lot the 85mm 1.4D, a much nicer rendition at wide open till f4 then the newer 85 1.4G lens - but that is my own preference, for a classic look where the "center" is reasonably sharp and the outer part of the frame goes away in a nice blur Smile  Then maybe that's also why I'm so tempted to try the Fuji X, despite it's limitations, but drawn into it becouse of the colour and overall rendering of the image with the Fuji primes (35mm and 56mm). Well just my 2c  Smile

I completely agree with you on the fast Canon glass. It just renders way better at any aperture, for me anyway. Actually, all L glass I have used does so.


As to going with system cameras: you ought to try a Metabones Ultra Speed adapter with your Canon glass - you'll be amazed, I can assure you Smile.


Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....

Messages In This Thread
Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ? - by davidmanze - 08-07-2016, 09:16 AM
Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ? - by Studor13 - 08-07-2016, 12:39 PM
Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ? - by wojtt - 08-09-2016, 08:29 PM
Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ? - by wim - 08-11-2016, 08:19 PM
Do we really need ultra fast lenses for portraits ? - by Studor13 - 08-13-2016, 08:07 AM

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