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Forums > Back > Next lens review: Tamron SP 35mm f/1.8 Di USD VC (FX)
Not a bad lens per se, but honestly more tempting offers from the competition.


-- Markus

Yay. Looks a lot better than on the 5DSR.


Are the Tamron 45 / 85 lenses on the horizon? I'm asking because both are looking very interesting; I guess one of these is the next purchase for me down the road (now I have the new 100-400 toy, but sooner or later I'm going to want a new one... Smile)

Good review Markus!


   No prizes for guessing that I like the lens, sharp and well built.......



   Lenstip went to some pains to test the AF performance of the lens and it really is excellent with barely a miss! 


   Nice VC! 

What I miss a bit in the review is the possibility of making adjustments with Tamron's USB-dock (TAP-in console). To me, that'd be a reason to prefer it over the Nikon f/1.8 as well as the MFD of 0.2m. No reason to sell the Sigma Art and get the Tamron, but the possibility to fine adjust AF in 4 distances is useful with the DSLR PD-AF.

In Canon land I wonder how much does it make sense versus its OEM competitor 35mm f2.0, since the tamron doesn't have the low lower price advantage wonder how much would it sell.
Quote:Are the Tamron 45 / 85 lenses on the horizon?
Not on the immediate horizon so far. I'm personally interested in the 85 VC, too, but by now so often had to struggle with either under- or overexposure with Tamron lenses on Nikon that I'm not too excited anymore, even though I like a few of their current lenses a lot.

Quote:Good review Markus!
All praise towards Klaus, please, I re-used most of his review text for this one.

Quote:What I miss a bit in the review is the possibility of making adjustments with Tamron's USB-dock (TAP-in console). To me, that'd be a reason to prefer it over the Nikon f/1.8 as well as the MFD of 0.2m. No reason to sell the Sigma Art and get the Tamron, but the possibility to fine adjust AF in 4 distances is useful with the DSLR PD-AF.
Thanks for the hint! Yes, of course, the TAP-in needs to be mentioned in the review... fixed it, also in the 5DsR review.

Quote:In Canon land I wonder how much does it make sense versus its OEM competitor 35mm f2.0, since the tamron doesn't have the low lower price advantage wonder how much would it sell.
True, for Canon I'd definitely get the EF 35 IS instead, it's cheaper and smaller (for a 35/1.8, the Tamron is quite big)


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