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Forums > Back > Panasonic G9 & Leica 200mm f/2.8 announced
Pana G9 (1700 EUR/USD)



Leica 200mm f/2.8 (3000 USD)



The pricing is a "little" over the top if you ask me ...
"[Mechanical shutter / Electronic first curtain shutter]AFS/MF: H: 12 frames/sec, M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) *When H-ES12060 is used./[Mechanical shutter / Electronic first curtain shutter]AFF/AFC: H: 9 frames/sec (with Live View), M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) *When H-ES12060 is used./[Electronic shutter]AFS/MF: SH: 60 frames/sec, H: 12 frames/sec, M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View)/[Electronic shutter]AFF/AFC: SH: 20 frames/sec, H: 9 frames/sec (with Live View), M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View)"

Have not yet been able to decode what H, M, L, SH stand for.
In my opinion, the electronic shutter fast FPS stuff is senseless, because of rolling shutter (one tends to shoot moving subjects, when using high FPS).

Nice "little" camera, quite a high price indeed. That it shoots 4K is a bonus for those who have the need and ability to shoot and post process/edit 4K footage on a budget. I'd lack the need, and the processing power.

The lens, yeah.. A tad expensive.
Indeed, a tad expensive lens. To put it mildly. 😚 New reality in overall declining camera industry, unit profitability being put ahead of possibly higher volumes. Of course, one might say Catch 22 applies.

Nevertheless, I like the choice is there. Camera itself, not my cup of tea, but seems to be impresive piece. Great EVF, sensor and DFD based AF further improved. My experience with AF in G7 is actually very good. I am curious what reviews will say.

Extremely high FPS some might care about, I don’t see the need. Capital letters abreviations are there for high, medium, low, super high, I reckon.
Quote:"[Mechanical shutter / Electronic first curtain shutter]AFS/MF: H: 12 frames/sec, M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) *When H-ES12060 is used./[Mechanical shutter / Electronic first curtain shutter]AFF/AFC: H: 9 frames/sec (with Live View), M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) *When H-ES12060 is used./[Electronic shutter]AFS/MF: SH: 60 frames/sec, H: 12 frames/sec, M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View)/[Electronic shutter]AFF/AFC: SH: 20 frames/sec, H: 9 frames/sec (with Live View), M: 7 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View)"

Have not yet been able to decode what H, M, L, SH stand for.

In my opinion, the electronic shutter fast FPS stuff is senseless, because of rolling shutter (one tends to shoot moving subjects, when using high FPS).

Nice "little" camera, quite a high price indeed. That it shoots 4K is a bonus for those who have the need and ability to shoot and post process/edit 4K footage on a budget. I'd lack the need, and the processing power.

The lens, yeah.. A tad expensive.




Super High 


Aside video performance Nikon D500 and Canon 7Dmkii would easily eat it for breakfast, the asking price seems quite steep
The G9 really is expensive, but still cheaper than the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II, the direct competitor.

Quote:Aside video performance Nikon D500 and Canon 7Dmkii would easily eat it for breakfast, the asking price seems quite steep

Don't say that too loud ... you may be wrong there. At least regarding the Canon.
This Pany 200 f2.8 is absurdly expensive and large for what it is:
  • Pany 200 f2.8: 8,75 x 17.4 cm, 1245g, $3000
  • Canon 200 f2.8: 8.38 x 13.72 cm, 765g, $750
The Canon lens, which covers a full frame sensor, costs a fourth of the price, is much smaller and is almost half the weight!

Sure, the Canon doesn't feature OIS and is an older design. But does it justify the difference?

I find it very hard to swallow.

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Quote:Aside video performance Nikon D500 and Canon 7Dmkii would easily eat it for breakfast, the asking price seems quite steep

Sure. Just because you're saying so...  ^_^


I wonder where you get all this super precise inside information from. And the 20 fps (no matter how usable it is without LV) is on another breakfast table?  Big Grin


I'm teasing you, but since you're not travelling in mirrorless lands, why not just keep the prejudices a little bit more tame?


Honestly I never had a GH type Pana in hands. But I saw a GH 5 in the shopping window... well, one could hide an Oly inside it. Any Oly. I was very surprised how massive that body was. And knowing Panasonic for their top quality laptops, I'm nearly sure, the GH can take easily the same bumps and drops or splashes one would dare to attack a D500 / 7D with. Well, why not? They save some space because of the smaller sensor. Although any size or weight advantage falls pretty short, as well as more batteries are needed.


As for the prices of the lens: I don't think they will sell thousands of them like Canon does. But it's pretty much in line of my expectation for a couple of special long primes - and it's a LEICA-badge on it... I'm surprised they didn't just double the price  Wink

Maybe Panasonic has been hanging around Leica too much, and the price bloating disease is contagious.  Big Grin


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