
Full Version: Sony Alpha SLT-A33 review
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The world may have different problems right now but as a diversion ... here's our A33 review.


This time we took the camera up to the icy arctics and down into hot australia (plus a little muddy Germany in between). ;-)


Nice review - thanks

Still can't get my head around losing a direct viewfinder and looking at a display

Guess that's the result of 50 years looking through S/D-LRs

I guess the only way to learn is to try it - I like the low ISO results

Will the DSLR world flock to Sony's door . . . . ?

Thanks again
[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1300014352' post='6710']

The world may have different problems right now but as a diversion ... here's our A33 review.


This time we took the camera up to the icy arctics and down into hot australia (plus a little muddy Germany in between). ;-)


Nice review.

I think you can add a bit of comparison between the design of the old translucent Canon cameras like EOS-1n RS & the new Sony design.

The part about the viewfinder doesn't say if it can display a zoomed view (eg for MF lenses).

BTW, isn't the A33 is discontinued now?


[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1300014352' post='6710']

The world may have different problems right now but as a diversion ... here's our A33 review.


This time we took the camera up to the icy arctics and down into hot australia (plus a little muddy Germany in between). ;-)


Wasn't this the camera with the mirror ghosting issues? If so, I'm surprised by the high night photography rating.
[quote name='BG_Home' timestamp='1300055700' post='6718']

Wasn't this the camera with the mirror ghosting issues? If so, I'm surprised by the high night photography rating.


Both the A33 and the A55v have the ghost light "issue". Oddly enough, with the A55v it looks a bit more pronounced because the ghost lights appear a bit further away from the real lights than with the A33.

I agree with you that this would make this particular camera one of the lesser suitable cameras from what I have begun to call from dusk till dawn photography.

I also do not really get the quite high rating for sports photography, as when the camera gets used in its high FPS mode live view ceases to exist (one gets a slide show of what has been) and I understand from other sources that the predictive continuous AF capabilities are not as capable as from Nikon and Canon cameras. The text is a bit unclear about if this has been tested or not.


[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1300058160' post='6720']

Both the A33 and the A55v have the ghost light "issue". Oddly enough, with the A55v it looks a bit more pronounced because the ghost lights appear a bit further away from the real lights than with the A33.

I agree with you that this would make this particular camera one of the lesser suitable cameras from what I have begun to call from dusk till dawn photography.

I also do not really get the quite high rating for sports photography, as when the camera gets used in its high FPS mode live view ceases to exist (one gets a slide show of what has been) and I understand from other sources that the predictive continuous AF capabilities are not as capable as from Nikon and Canon cameras. The text is a bit unclear about if this has been tested or not.


There are zillions of A55 and A33 night photos on flicker without "ghost" issues. It's exremely rare.


[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1300058160' post='6720']

I also do not really get the quite high rating for sports photography, as when the camera gets used in its high FPS mode live view ceases to exist (one gets a slide show of what has been) and I understand from other sources that the predictive continuous AF capabilities are not as capable as from Nikon and Canon cameras. The text is a bit unclear about if this has been tested or not.


Imaging-Resource did side-by-side test with A55 and much more expensive Canon 7D and found the predective AF in AF-C mode matched that of 7D.

As for slide mode, keep in mind the slide is 10 fps so it's not slow slide that you can't pan at all. Here is a video of EVF while doing 10 fps.

[quote name='BG_Home' timestamp='1300055700' post='6718']

Wasn't this the camera with the mirror ghosting issues? If so, I'm surprised by the high night photography rating.


Just like most reviewers we considered this issue to be insignificant but you're right that it should be mentioned.


[quote name='BG_Home' timestamp='1300055700' post='6718']

Wasn't this the camera with the mirror ghosting issues? If so, I'm surprised by the high night photography rating.


Sorry - I had no mirror ghosting issues - even during aurora long time exposures:



[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1300058160' post='6720']

I also do not really get the quite high rating for sports photography, as when the camera gets used in its high FPS mode live view ceases to exist (one gets a slide show of what has been) and I understand from other sources that the predictive continuous AF capabilities are not as capable as from Nikon and Canon cameras. The text is a bit unclear about if this has been tested or not.


The AF capabilities of the Sony SLT A33 are great and it is one of the few in this segment providing 7fps... ...relative to the Canon EOS 1Ds it is worse - however relative to the Canon EOS 550D it is better. I guess you agree that it doesn't make sense to compare a camera like this to a high end camera. As this rating is relative and not absolute the "quite high rating" is appropriate imho.
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