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Forums > Back > next PZ lens test report: Laowa 12mm f/2.8 Zero-D
There are adapters and ADAPTERS.


These are rock solid IMHO:



We'll do a review of the 60mm and 15mm eventually.


As far as QC is concerned ... I tried to emphasize to Laowa that QC is absolutely paramount. The best design is useless if it is messed up in production. Whether they understood my point ... I do not know.

I just noticed that Metabones does not offer Nikon to EOS adapters.


Fotodiox seems to have a good reputation (haven't tried these though).

You were probably clear.  I got that this was a prototype lens and noticed that they were very interested in feedback and examining constructive criticism.  As for them not giving you a lens to keep.  Well, technically I suppose they don't want to be accused of bribing the reviewers.  And it is a work in progress.  But it seems to me the 15mm 1:1 is not a lens you are going to be able fully appreciate without time to explore its possibilities.  So they should give you that one!  But the ethics!  Damn!


As to the adapters...I guess the chip compatibility is the issue.  I'd like to have a good nikon/eos chipped adapter, but the reality is I only have about 3 Nikon lenses, so, basically if I had to, I'd just remove the existing chip and replace it with one of my programmable Chinese chips.  I'm not a big fan of the chips or the exporter of them, but since they counted wrong I ended up with about 5 or more extras.  I suppose I have to find something to do with them.  And gluing them on is simple.  After you ruin a couple figuring it out...

Nikon to EOS adapters are not hard to produce well, since they can consist of a main ring machined in one piece.

That said, I have one that has some wiggle room, one that is well produced and solid, and one that is too thin (!!). The wiggle one might not be the best idea for 12mm...


Fotodiox is way overpriced for what they are?

Quote: As for them not giving you a lens to keep.  Well, technically I suppose they don't want to be accused of bribing the reviewers.


I would have never accepted that in the first place.

Quote:Fotodiox is way overpriced for what they are?

They have good feedback over at B&H.

Still cheaper than Novoflex ...
Quote:They have good feedback over at B&H.

Still cheaper than Novoflex ...
Yeah, only Rolls Royce products are not cheaper than Novoflex Wink
Quote:I just noticed that Metabones does not offer Nikon to EOS adapters.


Fotodiox seems to have a good reputation (haven't tried these though).

They do, actually. Several, including ones for G-lenses. They are available over here.


Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Quote:I would have never accepted that in the first place.

That was supposed to be a joke.  All I meant was that it's too bad you don't get to keep them.  If I didn't believe in your integrity I wouldn't be reading your reviews with great interest in the first place!


Anyway, and I'm probably wrong here to, my impression is you are not overly fond of super ultrawide lenses.  Just a hunch.  I could be wrong.  No hidden slight intended.

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