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Forums > Back > MTF chart for the new Samyang 45/1.8
Well here's DXO's review of it:


This is not an expensive lens .......

Not that it will bolt on a Sony body.
DXOmark is a next to worthless source, Dave. You can't count on the results. The Nikkor S lens may well be super sharp, but you can't conclude that based on that worthless source.
(06-11-2019, 06:07 PM)Brightcolours Wrote: DXOmark is a next to worthless source, Dave. You can't count on the results. The Nikkor S lens may well be super sharp, but you can't conclude that based on that worthless source.

     Worthless or next to worthless ???     ...... make up your mind !! 
    To be honest that was not one of my sources of information ...... it was various utubers who had laid claim to using it ..... 
  ...... and knowing that any word by mouth information I passed on could be easy be belittled ........ I fished out the only official review and set about reading it and posted it .......
..... and it got me nowhere ........

  ...... DXO lives in the same kingdom as,  no low-pass filters, high dynamic range sensors , and head phone sockets ........

      ........all condemned to death !!  Smile

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