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Forums > Back > Nikon Z 20mm f/1.8 S announced
No surprises, matches the other ones:


That's one annoyance of the S primes, at least for me: they all look the same. Maybe this will change over time, but so far I always actually need to look at the writing on the lens to make sure I grab the right one.

(02-12-2020, 07:40 AM)mst Wrote: No surprises, matches the other ones:


That's one annoyance of the S primes, at least for me: they all look the same. Maybe this will change over time, but so far I always actually need to look at the writing on the lens to make sure I grab the right one.

Does that mean you are going to test the lens?
(02-12-2020, 07:50 AM)davidmanze Wrote:
(02-12-2020, 07:40 AM)mst Wrote: No surprises, matches the other ones:


That's one annoyance of the S primes, at least for me: they all look the same. Maybe this will change over time, but so far I always actually need to look at the writing on the lens to make sure I grab the right one.

Does that mean you are going to test the lens?

Yes, definitely. Z reviews are getting closer Wink

Maybe I publish some sample images soon (of the other primes, not the 20/1.8)

(02-12-2020, 07:40 AM)mst Wrote: ...
That's one annoyance of the S primes, at least for me: they all look the same. Maybe this will change over time, but so far I always actually need to look at the writing on the lens to make sure I grab the right one.

Have to agree. They are designed to be cheap to produce and maximize the profit. But maybe I'm just too old-fashioned. I still find the design "modern" at best and soon after that comes "...and ugly".
I'm wondering why none of the camouflage-neoprene-tube companies came out with personalized neoprene tubes with exchangeable colour rings at one end? Hmmm, maybe I have to place this question at them?
In the sample video I didn't see much of flare, and in the sample pics the bokeh was rather pleasant. Nice lens. Should I wait until the first "decentering issues" appear?
(02-12-2020, 07:53 AM)mst Wrote:
(02-12-2020, 07:50 AM)davidmanze Wrote:
(02-12-2020, 07:40 AM)mst Wrote: No surprises, matches the other ones:


That's one annoyance of the S primes, at least for me: they all look the same. Maybe this will change over time, but so far I always actually need to look at the writing on the lens to make sure I grab the right one.

Does that mean you are going to test the lens?

Yes, definitely. Z reviews are getting closer Wink

Maybe I publish some sample images soon (of the other primes, not the 20/1.8)

    Goodie goodie !! ...... looking forward to seeing exactly how they perform.
"Z-reviews are getting closer" someone said beginning of February. Okay, they for sure got 3 MONTHS closer, but maybe "closer" refers to a point in the far future... Tongue

But then, lens announcements and announcements of "development of a lens" also happen long before the lens becomes available. I wonder how long Nikon will be able to keep that disappointingly low pace of completing their Z-system? Still no sign of availability of the 70-200/2.8, therefore ongoing quality issues? The 24-200, kind of a "genuine all-round lens" for holidays and travel, is supposed to arrive around mid of June, so I read. Anyway, as slow as Nikon puts new stuff on the market, they are still faster than OL's lens reviews - sorry Markus, couldn't resist.  Big Grin If you make sort of promises, you might loose one day the credibility that they eventually will happen to become reality. Rolleyes

One lens which is particularly more interesting to me than their 24/1.8 S just arrived last week. This Nikkor Z 20/1.8 S which was announced 3 months ago.

It's a pleasant surprise to me and for sure "sharp enough", but also surprisingly nice in terms of bokeh - that's actually one good reason to get it, the other is (in theory) to do reportage stuff. I'm not sure if face recognition will be very effective with it in more distant ranges - but then, stopping down will do the trick and compensate what face recognition does not reconize. Another pleasant surprise was the minimal focus distance of 20 cm - that is 8 cm in front of the front lens, giving more possibilities for compositions than the Sigma's 27.6 cm.

I compared some of it's features to the Sigma 20/1.4 Art. A lot in this forum were always yelling "more compact and lighter lenses!" for mirrorless. Matter of fact, the Nikkor Z 20/1.8 has half the weight of the Sigma 20/1.4 Art with FTZ adapter. Ready to use (with lens hood, and the Art lens with FTZ) the Sigma is just 15mm longer, it's diameter (of the lens hood) 15 mm (!) smaller. Of course, leaving the hood at home reduces the ø from 106 mm to 84 mm  - easier to put into a photo bag.

Looking at the distance of the rear element, it certainly is not a DLSR lens with a glued adapter like some of the Sigma Art lenses for Sony currently are. Besides, that's not the worst thing to do. Why? As I stated before, the shorter flange distance has also a couple of downsides. One (too) often visible - at least within the Z system - are the colour blobs due to internal reflections of the sensor towards the rear elements when shooting into bright light sources.

[Image: i-Q6nvNSX.jpg]

Although the Sigma (bottom picture) has a bit more glass, it doesn't act as bad as the average Z-lens does. If anyone knows how to get rid of this colour blobs, feel free to share - I know how to get rid of "normal flares" like aperture spots, but the colour patterns are tougher.

What else? Switching off the lens corrections in Capture One was not as horrible as the 14-30/4 is. I think the prime is well corrected.

On average, Z-lenses in front light maintain more contrast than the Sigmas and therefore often appear sharper.

The build quality of the Z-lenses I know is alright but not outstanding. The "function ring", usually to be used to focus manually has quite some play contrary to it's other colleagues. But as it's only focus by wire, it's not that much of a deal. All my Z-primes are made in China, all my Z-lenses made in Thailand. Interesting... another difference I haven't noticed: All f/4 or variable aperture zooms (I could say the cheaper ones...) have this function ring as plastic with rubber profile, the primes have one made of metal.
(05-09-2020, 10:24 AM)JJ_SO Wrote: "Z-reviews are getting closer" someone said beginning of February. Okay, they for sure got 3 MONTHS closer, but maybe "closer" refers to a point in the far future... Tongue

...Anyway, as slow as Nikon puts new stuff on the market, they are still faster than OL's lens reviews - sorry Markus, couldn't resist.  Big Grin If you make sort of promises, you might loose one day the credibility that they eventually will happen to become reality. Rolleyes

Sometimes it's better to resist some cheap sarcasm, JoJu. Maybe you've been hiding under a rock, testing your Z gear, in the last few weeks and months, while others, like me for example, were confronted with their main source of income going down the drain, while at the same time facing the challenge of needing to be a teacher and provide homeschooling.

I am really sorry if these unexpected duties on my side interfered with your hopes for some review reading pleasure.

(05-09-2020, 11:19 AM)mst Wrote:
(05-09-2020, 10:24 AM)JJ_SO Wrote: "Z-reviews are getting closer" someone said beginning of February. Okay, they for sure got 3 MONTHS closer, but maybe "closer" refers to a point in the far future... Tongue

...Anyway, as slow as Nikon puts new stuff on the market, they are still faster than OL's lens reviews - sorry Markus, couldn't resist.  Big Grin If you make sort of promises, you might loose one day the credibility that they eventually will happen to become reality. Rolleyes

Sometimes it's better to resist some cheap sarcasm, JoJu. Maybe you've been hiding under a rock, testing your Z gear, in the last few weeks and months, while others, like me for example, were confronted with their main source of income going down the drain, while at the same time facing the challenge of needing to be a teacher and provide homeschooling.

I am really sorry if these unexpected duties on my side interfered with your hopes for some review reading pleasure.

My sarcasm isn't cheap - you couldn't afford it Tongue Yours on the other side (hiding under a rock, unexpected duties) is also not suspected to be high class entertainment Wink. And I never had hopes the reviews would become real within weeks. Before you go against me, just have a look at how many reviews you published during the last couple of years, without Corona and homeschooling. It was not the first time you announced reviews but nothing happened and that's not my fault. And neither it's my website and neither I'm the one working for free reviews to everybody. I can understand each situation (although the lockdown in Germany started roughly one month after your announcement of new reviews). But why do you announce something like "reviews coming soon"? If I did so, I would had put a "sorry, not coming, situation has changed" post somewhere - and would just have to endure a critical comment.

I found that "hiding under a rock" could also apply to your long absence from OL - or better said, from the public parts of OL.
And in no way would it come to your mind that I don't even want to come and read here anymore simply to avoid having to handle hurtful and in any case inappropriate statements like most of yours?

You are right that I could have announced further delays here, sure. I simply had other priorities. For a good reason: I am struggling to survive, financially. And that is the result of a process happening. Sorry I missed to inform you during that process. The last thing I personally need right now is some dismissive sarcasm because of what feels to me either lack of empathy or the inability to imagine someone else's situation.


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