Sample images shot with the X-T30, processed in C1 with lens correction off:
Hello Markus,
Any early feedback on the 16-80?
What do you think of it?
From the few reviews I’ve read it seems to have weak corners at both ends of the zoom, even when stopping down.
Can you confirm these findings?
Thanks a lot :-)
when you click somewhere on the image you get to see the (bad) 100%.
From Markus' photos, the corner resolution is not great, but not as bad as I thought it would be.
However, purple/cyan fringing is very bad, thus greatly reducing the perceived IQ.
It looks OK for a miroless lens.
I have been reading you for years, this is my first post in the forum. Thank you for your jpb
Any idea of when the 16-80 review is coming?
Is it also true you're planning to retest a lot of XF lens with the new 26mpx sensor?
Can't wait